
Pensions: 3 years advance for mothers. Trade unions are also in charge of Ape Social and young people

A unitary document sent to the Government by CGIL, CISL and UIL with the aim of requesting changes to the current social security system for working mothers, young people and workers who carry out onerous activities. Here is the proposal of the social partners in detail.

Pensions: 3 years advance for mothers. Trade unions are also in charge of Ape Social and young people

Una unitary proposal by the main trade unions with the aim of modifying the pension system to “overcome the current rigidities and encourage generational turnover to make the current pension system more equitable”. 

Cgil, Cisl and Uil have therefore decided to send the Executive a unitary document clamoring for the blocking of the adjustment to life expectancy which will start in 2019 and the launch of a study table aimed at "identifying a new criterion that respects the diversity and peculiarities of all jobs”.

Pivot of the new proposal are theand measures in favor of working mothers and young people. The trade unions consider the plan presented by the Government during the last meetings held in September and centered on phase 2 of the reform which has already led to the entry into force of the Ape Social and the forthcoming launch of the Ape Volontaria to be insufficient.

Pensions, young people and workers: the Government's proposal

Summarizing what was said during the last few meetings, the representatives of the Executive proposed to introduce a minimum check of 600 – 620 euros (obtained by adding a portion of the social allowance to the contributory pension), giving in parallel the possibility of access the pension treatment at 63 years and 7 months. The intention also seems to be to reduce the coefficient for calculating contributions from 1,5 times the social allowance to 1,2 times.

For working mothers, on the other hand, a six-month discount is provided for each child on the contribution requirements (within a maximum of two years) in order to allow them to obtain the social bee.

Pensions for working mothers, the union proposal

As far as working mothers are concerned, the social partners are asking for the recognition of an advance for access to the old-age pension, and therefore not only for taking advantage of the Ape Social, for women who have had or adopted children. In detail, the plan provides for one one year discount for each child, up to a maximum of three years.

In addition, the proposal provides for the recognition of a "contribution bonus" for family care work, this time for both sexes.

Pensions, Ape social: cut the contribution requirement

Based on the provisions of the law, the workers who carry out strenuous activities (nursing and midwifery professions, kindergarten teachers, carers etc.) for at least 6 consecutive years they can access the social advance having paid 36 years of contributions. In this context, the unions are asking to reduce the contribution requirement currently envisaged from 36 to 30 years. At the same time, it is proposed to expand the categories of workers who carry out onerous activities.

Pensions and young people: here is the plan

According to the unions, the threshold of the totally contributory calculation mechanism currently valid for accessing the old-age pension at 66 years and seven months with 20 years of contributions should drop from 1,5 times the social allowance to the level of the social allowance itself, today equal to 448 euros. 

For the purpose of supporting future pensions of young people, Cgil, Cisl and Uil propose the use of a tool that enhances the contributory history of workers, while simultaneously supporting their future social security income. The current criteria must be surpassed.

“It is essential – add the trade unions – to relaunch membership of supplementary pensions by extending the incentive taxation, envisaged for private workers, also to those in the public sector. Finally, it is necessary to operate an accounting separation of social security expenditure from welfare expenditure in order to demonstrate that pension expenditure in Italy is below the European average". Finally, a reform of the governance of INPS and Inail and the restoration of full indexation of pensions are required by introducing a new basket and recovering what has been lost in recent years.

The Government's response

No official answer yet, but in an interview with Radio Capital, the Minister of Transport, Graziano Delrio let it be known that: "The numbers coming from the INPS are rather severe and say that the room for maneuver on pensions is very limited”. The reference is to the possibility that the next budget law will contain measures on social security. In recent days, INPS president Tito Boeri had rejected the proposal for a 1-year advance for each child made for Ape Social.

The confrontation between the Government and the trade unions on pensions will continue at the beginning of October, immediately after the launch of the update note of the Def.
