
Early pensions and pension loans: Government projects

The penalty, on average 3-4% per year, will be modulated on the basis of the number of years in advance and the amount of the social security allowance - The crux of the pension loan is the public guarantee - Government-union meeting today.

Early pensions and pension loans: Government projects

From the age of 63, those who wish to retire will be able to do so with an average penalty of 3-4% a year, which will be modulated on the basis of the number of years in advance and the amount of the social security allowance perceptible upon reaching the retirement threshold. This is the main hypothesis being studied by the control room of Palazzo Chigi, led by the undersecretary to the Presidency Tommaso Nannicini, to increase flexibility with the plan Ape (Retirement advance).

Another option under study is the so-called pension loan (about 800 euros until the requisites for the social security check mature, money to be repaid in installments with reductions on the subsequent pension) which can be collected for a period not exceeding 3 years and it will be guaranteed by banks and insurance companies. The public guarantee could only intervene for individuals with a low retirement income threshold, or it could be completely excluded, to avoid accusations of state aid arriving from Brussels.

Nannini himself and Labor Minister Giuliano Poletti illustrated the plan to the unions today, but only in broad terms. The meetings will continue in the coming weeks and, in addition to pensions, will also concern issues such as the cut in the tax wedge and the reform of contracts.

"Today's meeting took place in a positive climate and mutual willingness to discuss and discuss" on pensions and work and "arrive, where possible, shared solutions", said Poletti at the end of the meeting with the general secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil, Susanna Camusso, Anna Maria Furlan and Carmelo Barbagallo.

“Today – underlined Poletti – we indicated problems and topics on which to work and the areas of discussion on social security and work. We will now draw up minutes of today's meeting and set up two new meetings with the unions, one on pensions and one on work”.

According to Camusso, “today's news is that after a long period of time the Government has started discussions on the merits of work and pensions” with the unions and “this is the result of our initiatives, starting with the unitary platform on pensions. And that's nothing new."

"We have defined a comparison merit - underlined the general secretary of Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo - which provides that during the discussion there will be no decrees or measures on these topics".

For the general secretary of the Cisl, Anna Maria Furlan, “the day starts well and I hope that the discussion continues well. We will see it at the tables”. At the moment, added Camusso, on pensions and work "there are no figures, we are only at the headlines".

Also on the table is the extension of 80 euros to pensioners: “This is one of the measures we are studying – Prime Minister Renzi said yesterday -. We're discussing which bands to get. There are the minimums that today take very little”.

If they see the light, all these interventions should be included in the next stability law.
