
Minimum pension for young people: check the check for 650 euros

The sum could increase by 30 euros per month for each year of contributions beyond the 20th, up to a maximum of one thousand euros - The hypothesis was launched by the economic adviser to the Prime Minister, Stefano Patriarca - The Democratic Party: "Soon a proposal"

Minimum pension for young people: check the check for 650 euros

It is back to talk about guarantee pension for young people and for 40-year-olds with discontinuous careers. The novelty is that this time there are some numbers: 650 euros per month for those with 20 years of contributions, a sum that can increase by 30 euros per month for each additional year up to a maximum of one thousand euros. The check would also be triggered for early retirement. The hypothesis was launched by the economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Stephen Patriarch, during the conference on pensions organized by the Pd.

The person in charge of the work in the secretariat of the Pd, Tommaso Nannicini, confirmed during the same conference that "the Democratic Party will make a proposal on the guarantee pension for young people, with a minimum income". Also according to the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, the issue needs to be addressed quickly.

This is a central theme in the government-union table since the "phase two” of the discussion on social security, envisaged by the memorandum of understanding signed last year. The ultimate goal is to find an agreement in view of the next budget law.

The provision on the guarantee pension for young people aims to protect Millennials and subsequent generations, i.e. all those who started working after 1995. Based on the Dini reform (law n° 335/95), the social security checks of those who started earning from that year onwards will be calculated entirely with the contributory method (i.e. based on the contributions actually paid during the working life), much less advantageous than the salary (linked to the salaries of the last years of the career), also because it does not allow to benefit from the minimum integrations.

The Dini government's pension reform aimed to secure INPS accounts, but had not foreseen what would happen on the labor market. Today precarious contracts require you to change jobs often and make professional life discontinuous, opening chasms in the contributory history of workers.

Once they reach retirement age, therefore, today's young and forty-somethings will find themselves with a much smaller amount of contributions of that accumulated by their parents and moreover they will be penalized by a more unfavorable calculation method. This means that their pensions will risk being so low as to not guarantee a dignified old age.

Hence the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXba guarantee pension, ie a fixed amount not less than the social allowance (just under 450 euros per month) and entirely paid by the state, which will integrate the treatment accrued by the worker with the contributions paid.
