
Guarantee pension: M5S-Pd project for young people

The goal is to protect Millennials and subsequent generations who, due to irregular employment relationships, will find themselves without a pension or with allowances that are too low to live in dignity in a few decades

Guarantee pension: M5S-Pd project for young people

In the negotiation between Pd and M5S on Conte government program 2 a great classic of Italian pension policy reappears: the guarantee pension for young people. It has been talked about for years, but so far no one has managed to bring a serious project to Parliament. This could be the right time, given that – according to rumors – in recent days the dem and the grillini have discussed it in very concrete terms.

The goal is the same as always: to protect the Millennials and subsequent generations, i.e. all those who started working after 1995 and who have had an irregular working life characterized by a lot of precariousness. In fact, according to the Dini reform (law n° 335/95), the pensions of those who started earning from that year onwards will be calculated entirely with the contributory method (i.e. based on the contributions actually paid during the working life), much less advantageous than the salary (linked to the salaries of the last years of the career).

The Dini law aimed to secure INPS accounts, but had not foreseen the explosion of the precariousness, which today makes dashed contributory history of almost all workers.

Consequently, when today's young people are entitled to a pension, they will find themselves with a much lower contribution amount of that accumulated by their parents and moreover they will be penalized by a more unfavorable calculation method. Result: their pensions risk being insufficient to guarantee a dignified old age.

To address this problem came the idea of a guarantee pension, i.e. a social security check of a fixed amount, not less than the social check (today just under 450 euros per month) and paid entirely by the State which will supplement the treatment accrued by the worker with the contributions paid. It would be an important novelty, also because with the current rules, those whose pensions are calculated entirely with the contributory system (that is, those who started working after 1995) cannot even benefit from the minimum integration.
