
Guarantee pension for young people: the government-union confrontation starts again

The dialogue on pensions between the executive and workers' representatives resumes: one of the hottest points in the discussion concerns the introduction of a supplementary pension paid by the state to protect today's young people, who in the future will find themselves with too low benefits

Guarantee pension for young people: the government-union confrontation starts again

In the comparison between the government and the trade unions on the subject of social security, one of the main arguments is the guarantee pension for young people. He returned to talk about it on Tuesday, during the last meeting organized as part of "phase two" envisaged by the trade union memorandum of understanding on pensions signed last year. The goal is to establish a road map to approach the next budget law.

The law on the guarantee pension for young people aims to protect Millennials and subsequent generations, i.e. all those who started working after 1995. On the basis of the Dini reform (law n° 335/95), the social security checks of those who started earning from that year onwards will be calculated entirely with the contributory method (i.e. based on the contributions actually paid during the working life), much less advantageous than the salary (linked to the salaries of the last years of the career).

The Dini government's pension reform aimed to secure INPS accounts, but had not foreseen what would happen on the labor market. Today precarious contracts require you to change jobs often and make professional life discontinuous, opening chasms in contributory history of the workers.

By the time they reach retirement age, therefore, today's young people will find themselves with a much smaller amount of contributions of that accumulated by their parents, and moreover they will be penalized by a more unfavorable calculation method. This means that their pensions risk being so low that they do not guarantee a dignified old age.

From this reason it comes out the idea of a guarantee pension, i.e. a fixed amount not less than the social allowance (just under 450 euros per month) and entirely paid by the State, which will supplement the treatment accrued by the worker with the contributions paid.

The starting point is one bill signed by Marialuisa Gnecchi and Cesare Damiano (Pd). The text aims to introduce a «basic pension financed by general taxation, with a value of 442 euros (which can be revalued according to the provisions in force on the current social allowance), additional to that accrued by the worker, whether employed, self-employed or semi-subordinated. This pension is recognized to male and female workers upon completion of the sixty-fifth year of ageas long as they have paid at least 15 years of effective contributions. Starting from the entry into force of the law, the amount of the pension is recognized pro rata at the rate of one fifteenth per year to arrive at full capacity after fifteen years». The measure "responds to the need to provide concrete support for future pensions which will be paid only with the contributory system and for which there is no longer provision integration to the minimum treatment».

In addition to the 15 years of minimum contribution and age requirement of 65 years, it is possible that other criteria will eventually be introduced as well. The amount of the guarantee pension, for example, could vary according to the family loads, in order to support above all workers in the most difficult conditions.
