
Early retirement, Poletti: "The cut will not be the same for everyone"

"It is necessary to keep economic and social balance together" - As for the tightening on vouchers, the minister assures that within 10 days the decree will reach the Council of Ministers

Early retirement, Poletti: "The cut will not be the same for everyone"

On outgoing flexibility “we are reflecting on two parameters: economic compatibility with the public budget, therefore sustainability, and social equity. The same thing cannot be done for everyone: it cannot be done via 3% for everyone”. This was stated by the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, on the sidelines of the Business Network Assembly, pointing out that it is a question of "a very complex thing that must keep economic and social balance together".

To a question on the hypothesis of making membership of pension funds compulsory, Poletti replied: “We are still too far behind”.

As for the squeeze on vouchers, “within 10 days we will bring the decree to the Council of Ministers – added the minister -. If we close the vouchers in the morning, 3-400 thousand workers will be immediately sent to undeclared work, while I want 400 thousand more. So I change, replace and get my hands on it again, if necessary, but I don't throw anything away”.

In reference to the 100 workers who in 2015 were hired with the three-year tax exemption even without having the requisites - news released yesterday by INPS -, Poletti assured that "the smart ones will be hit hard"

And yet, “I don't think there will be significant effects and that they will change the numbers of the Jobs Act – continued the minister -, we are talking about millions of people who have used them. On the other hand, the 400 more stable jobs created with the Jobs Act are significant. That is an extraordinary result”.
