
Retired, almost one out of two doesn't make it to a thousand euros. But decrease the number and increase the amount

In the Report on Social Cohesion, Istat indicates that 46,3% of pensioners have a pension income of less than a thousand euros - Only 15,1% above two thousand euros - Between 2010 and 2012 the number of pensioners decreased on average by 0,68% while the average annual amount rose by 5,4% – Over-8,1s dominate but 55% are under XNUMX

Retired, almost one out of two doesn't make it to a thousand euros. But decrease the number and increase the amount

Almost one out of two does not reach a thousand euros. This is the photograph taken by Istat which, in its Report on Social Cohesion, indicates that 46,3% are the percentage of pensioners who have a retirement income of less than one thousand euros. Of the remainder, the majority receive a pension of between one thousand and two thousand euros and only 15,1% exceed two thousand euros.

The report also indicates that between 2010 and 2012, the number of retirees decreased by an average of 0,68% while the average annual amount increased by 5,4%. Overall, at the end of 2012, there were 16 million 594 thousand pensioners, of which 75% receive only Invalidity, Old Age and Survivors (IVS) pensions, while the remaining 25% receive indemnity and welfare pensions (possibly combined with IVS pensions). Geographically, 28,3% of retirees reside in the North-West, 20,1% respectively in the North-East and in the Centre, 21,3% in the South and 10,2% in the Islands.

The most numerous are the over eighty year olds, around 3 million 900 thousand pensioners, followed by the 65-69 year olds, around 2 million 912 thousand, and the 70-74 year olds with 2 million 893 thousand individuals. However, 8,1% of retirees are under 55 years old.
