The Government begins to draw guidelines for the pension reform 2024. The financial maneuver by Meloni has provided for bridging measures for pensions in 2023 in order to avoid the Fornero law making a comeback. But, as Il Sole 24 Ore warns, it is time for a structural reform of the Italian social security system, to avoid continuing to move forward from extension to extension or from staircase to staircase. A rough starting plan has already been sketched out by Marina Calderone, Minister of Labour, during a hearing in the Senate. The goal is to draft a package of structural interventions by the first part of the year to be made gradually operational, starting from 2024. The comparison with the social partners will be decisive, set at the 19 January 2023, but the road promises to be completely uphill, also because there was no shortage of stomach aches with the social security measures included in the Maneuver to plug the "holes".
In the Calderone plan there are some objectives to be achieved. At the top is it stop the pension scales guaranteed by the various experimental quotas that have followed one another over the years. Following the relaunch of supplementary pension, also leveraging on tax breaks, and the rationalization of current instruments early retirement. "A review of the pension system will take shape in the name of solidarity and sustainability for future generations," said Calderone. Let's see them last news on the 2024 pension reform.
Pension Reform 2024: stop to the social security ladders
The first step of the Calderone plan is to put a stop to the season of quotas and "experimental" ones. We are talking about all that series of experimental forms of outgoing flexibility (such as the Ape, Option woman, quota 100, 102 and 103) which allowed access to retirement with a mix of years of chronological age e contributions. According to the minister of labour, it is necessary to arrive at "a flexible system of integrated forms of retirement compatible with the personal and health needs of the worker and functional to those of the generational turnover of employers". The target? Avoid "dangerous personal data scales", i.e. a sharp increase in the retirement age, such as the one that would have occurred in January 2023 without the bridging measures included in the Maneuver.
Guarantee pensions for young people
In the plan there is also a new guarantee pension coverage for the young with discontinuous careers. “Forms of pension guarantee will be verified, in favor of the younger generations, in the case of discontinuous contributory careers, forms of strengthening of the pension position will be designed in order to consciously form a future annuity adequate to the standard of living with charges calculated according to the general principles of our pension system”.
Pension reform 2024: generational turnover and early retirement
In recent years, the social security system has been compressed by the ratio betweenretirement age and the generational change.
The 2024 pension reform could also lead to a rationalization of the current early retirement tools, also providing for "targeted" generational relay paths. "Providing sustainable forms of sharing between the costs borne by the employer and the State with an exodus of workers closer to retirement and targeted generational relay paths with attractive hiring incentives that allow an effective relaunch of youth employment".
Supplementary pensions and a sort of "year zero" for the severance pay
Among the ideas, there is also that of relaunching the supplementary pension developed in synergy with the pension compulsory. Campaigns to join pension funds and a "new year zero" will be launched for the destination of tfr of employees to complementary forms. With the introduction of tax concessions and reliefs.
I am a 60 year old with a degree in Economics, I have been a manager 5 times, today I am a marketing consultant and I support my family thanks to a VAT number. I see the following as a supplementary solution to your work to give flexibility in exit and return to population growth:
LETS LIBERALIZE PENSIONS, few rules. The over 55/60s are not much sought after by companies, if they are tolerated to the limit in the workforce because even if experts cost much more and for most of the functions considered less efficient, we "liberalise" allowing those who want, and those who can, to retire after 35 years of INPS payments, with a monthly valuation based on one's historical contribution and life expectancy. The proposal is free of charge for the State, the actuarial calculations make it possible to estimate today a pension annuity with the same total amount calculated on life expectancy which, however, would see the worker free to choose the moment in which to devote himself to himself or commit himself socially. Youth unemployment would drop, the dilemma relating to maintaining the Women's Option would be resolved because it would be included in the flexibility proposal, we would simplify a complicated and unnecessarily complex system, but above all new families would be reconstituted which would boost consumption, in fact we would once again see a recovery in births and we would have the well-founded hope of not being a country of old people, and therefore of poor people, in 15-20 years at the latest.
Good continuation,
Paolo Mario Aghem (3292184840)
But with all your studies, do you know how much an employee with a net salary of 1500 euros a month who has always worked up to the age of 55 would get?
and then tell me if you can boost consumption or perhaps if you are not forced to go to work illegally in order to get to the end of the month!
Good, I agree with her