
Pd-M5S, today the meeting on reforms and electoral law: preferences are the crux

The presence of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is still uncertain - The Democratic Party reiterates its openness on the size of the majority bonus and on immunity, but the grillini do not seem to want to back down on preferences and will probably also reject a possible compromise that is being talked about in these hours , that of a system with only the leaders blocked.

Pd-M5S, today the meeting on reforms and electoral law: preferences are the crux

The expected meeting between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement on institutional reforms and electoral law will take place today in the Chamber. At the heart of the dispute is one point in particular: the preferences, loudly requested by the grillini but excluded from the Italicum, in which the blocked price lists are foreseen. 

“We had been clear from the first meeting, then we illustrated the five points in the response to the Democratic Party, also putting them in black and white – said Luigi di Maio, pentastellato and vice president of the Chamber, in an interview with La Repubblica -. Preferences are among the points put in writing. So now it is the Democratic Party that must give concrete answers. And then, in any case, it will be necessary to see how the confrontation develops during the meeting”.

The presence of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who left yesterday, is still uncertain the Brussels summit, made it clear that he was inclined to desert the meeting: "I don't think I'll go – he said -, now let's see what delegation they did". 

For the 5 Stars, the two group leaders in the Chamber and Senate will be Paola Carinelli and Vito Petrocelli, as well as Di Maio and the drafter of the Democratellum, Danilo Toninelli. For the Democrats, however, there will certainly be the deputy secretary Debora Serracchiani, the group leader in the Chamber Roberto Speranza and the MEP Alessandra Moretti. 

The Democratic Party, for now, reiterates its openness on the size of the majority bonus and on the immunity communicated by Renzi in the response letter to the 5 Stars two days ago and applauded by the grillini themselves in the post with which they formalized the meeting yesterday . 

M5S said it was willing to accommodate the "needs" of the Democrats "in terms of governance", however hoping for the "right balance" with the other side of the balance, that of representativeness. On the chapter of preferences, therefore, the grillini will keep going, probably also rejecting a possible compromise that is being talked about in these hours, that of a system of preferences with the leaders blocked.
