
Pd-M5S, today the fiery meeting on the electoral law

At 14 pm the expected meeting between the Democratic Party and the 30 Star Movement will take place in live streaming from Montecitorio – Neither Matteo Renzi nor Beppe Grillo should intervene – The tension is already high, after the reform yesterday on the blog of the Genoese comedian of the Senate has been defined as “filthy” – Sexist insults against Minister Boschi.

Pd-M5S, today the fiery meeting on the electoral law

Today is the day of judgment for the future of relations between the majority and the opposition. At 14 pm the expected meeting between the Democratic Party and the 30 Star Movement will take place in live streaming from Montecitorio, but the appointment will in all probability be orphaned by the two leaders. Neither Matteo Renzi nor Beppe Grillo should intervene. Deputy secretaries Debora Serracchiani and Lorenzo Guerini are expected for the Democrats, together with group leaders Roberto Speranza and Luigi Zanda; for the M5s there will instead be the vice president of the Chamber Luigi Di Maio, the two group leaders Giuseppe Brescia and Maurizio Buccarella as well as Danilo Toninelli. 

There is no shortage of tensions, after a very harsh attack by the pentastellati parliamentary groups appeared yesterday on the Genoese comedian's blog against the reform of the Senate put in place on the basis of the "Pact of the Nazarene" between the Pd and Forza Italia, defined as "filth" by the grillini: “Minister Boschi's recent text builds a Senate of nominees – we read – whose immunity is removed only as a sop to the people to make the bullshit more passable. We have totally rejected the indecent proposal, with the simple amendment 6.5: suppress the article”.

There were also sexist insults on Grillo's Facebook page addressed to Maria Elena Boschi, Minister for Reforms: "It would be better if she was a porn star", for example. Other commenters on the same page have dissociated.

“On the electoral reform we have drawn up a text together with the subscribers to our blog – said M5S Senator Nicola Morra – which, unlike Italicum, was not born against someone, or rather the one who was considered the third wheel. Our proposal is aimed at favoring democratic representation, but not at the expense of governance. We want to recognize the big ones to exercise the function of government, but without penalizing the small ones ".

Grillina's proposal for the new electoral law, renamed by the authors themselves "Democratellum", is purely proportional. Very far therefore from the Italicum, which promotes bipolarism and aims to guarantee governance through various instruments (high thresholds, ballot, majority premium) which give a single alignment a certain majority. 
