
Pd, Letta misses the decisive direction

"I prefer to wait at Palazzo Chigi for the decisions that will be made, so that everyone in the management feels free to express assessments and make the decisions they deem appropriate explicit", writes the Premier in a letter to his party colleagues.

Pd, Letta misses the decisive direction

Enrico Letta will not participate in this afternoon's Pd leadership. “Dear friends, I think that on an important day like this – writes the Prime Minister in a letter to the democratic parliamentarian – it is essential that the discussion develops, and the consequent decisions are taken, with the utmost serenity and transparency. This is why I prefer to wait at Palazzo Chigi for the decisions that will be made, so that everyone in management feels free to express assessments and make the decisions they deem appropriate explicit. Thank you".

There will therefore be no face-to-face between the Premier and the secretary Matteo Renzi, but now the showdown in the Democratic Party can no longer be postponed. Yesterday Letta presented "Impegno Italia", the new coalition program for the relaunch of Government action, with the aim of extending the horizon of the current Executive at least until the end of the Italian semester of presidency of the European Union (July-December 2014).

The reaction of the Florentine mayor was not long in coming: “That's enough. The party is with me. No trust in Letta ”. In short, either the relay immediately to Palazzo Chigi to get out of immobility and give the government a jolt with new programs and new ministers or we go to early elections, even if the latter remains an unwelcome prospect for the Head of State.
