
Pd, the primaries will be on April 30th

The date was decided by the commission for the congress: the appointment of the secretary will take place by the national assembly, scheduled for 7 May.

Pd, the primaries will be on April 30th

The primaries of the Democratic Party will be on April 30 from 8 to 20: this is what the commission-congress of the Democratic Party has decided. After the primaries, the new secretary will be proclaimed by the national assembly which, as far as we know, will take place on 7 May. The date was formulated as possible mediation after a long negotiation between the components of the party: someone had suggested doing them earlier, on April 9, but in the end the official date was unanimously approved, as per the regulation for carrying out the consultation, and as announced by the deputy secretary Lorenzo Guerini.

The procedures will follow the previous ones: all those who declare themselves voters of the Democratic Party and who pay a contribution of 8 euros will be able to vote from 20 to 2. It will now be up to the national direction, in progress, to validate it. “I thank all the members of the commission, we have received a mandate to be fulfilled in a very short time – specified Guerini speaking at the beginning of the management -. The regulation was unanimously approved by the commission and this is an important fact”.
