
Pd: solidarity contribution from income above 80 thousand euros

The first signatory of the Coron-tax to deal with the economic emergency due to the Coronavirus is the leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber, Delrio - Criticism of the opposition, starting with Forza Italia, but also the Renzians and the Five Stars - Conte excludes that he is in order of the day

Pd: solidarity contribution from income above 80 thousand euros

In a surprise move that has already sparked a barrage of criticism, the Pd proposed to the Chamber the establishment of a solidarity contribution paid by the highest incomes, starting from 80 euros a year, to face the economic emergency and poverty linked to the Coronavirus. The first signatory of the proposal - a sort of Coron-tax - is the leader of the Democratic Party in Montecitorio, Graziano Delrio, which suggests inserting it as an amendment to the decree under discussion in the Chamber on 400 billion government bazooka. So with immediate effect.

The contribution will be progressive that is, it will increase as incomes grow, but it will be tax deductible. “The sum paid – explains Delrio – will be deductible and will go from a few hundred euros up to tens of thousands for incomes exceeding one million. The expected revenue is 1,3 billion per year euros” against a risk of poverty “for a further million children”.

"A large and supportive country like Italy - adds Delrio - cannot fail to raise the issue of how the ruling classes and those with high incomes should be called upon to contribute in favor of those who cannot make it".

The reaction of the oppositions lasts, starting from Forza Italy that with the group leader in the Chamber, Mariastella Gelmini, who attacks as follows: "The Democratic Party comes out and proposes a Corona-tax with which it wants to get its hands into the pockets of Italians to deal with the Coronavirus emergency".

But the Renzians are also critical Italy Viva, who with Ettore Rosato say: “In 24 hours we heard our government partners say No to the gradual reopening of businesses, No to the activation of European support through the Mes and yes to the assets. Best wishes Italy".

The Five Stars are also against it and with their Crimi coordinator they say: “It doesn't exist. We are against any form of property”. In the end, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte denied that the Coron-tax is on the agenda
