Monti: Pd and Pdl cut off the extreme wings

The Democratic Party should "cut" its "extreme wings", namely the CGIL, Stefano Fassina and Nichi Vendola. This is the judgment expressed today on Rai1 by the outgoing premier, Mario Monti. Now in the middle of the electoral campaign, despite not being a candidate, the Professor followed up on the negative assessments expressed yesterday on the economic manager of the Democratic Party and on the leader of SEL, labeled "conservatism".

According to Monti, Fassina "opposes" the reforms and "this is a real problem for Bersani, he should silence this part a bit, which I consider conservative of his movement".

A judgment which, according to the now former coach, is based on what he learned in a year at Palazzo Chigi. "I have observed in this government experience, I say this with respect - Monti specified - that those who have prevented the labor reforms from moving forward have been on the one hand those who are in the traditional bloc of the left, CGIL, Fiom from the point union point of view, Vendola and Fassina from a political point of view, and on the other hand the positions in the Pdl which have prevented reforms to inject more market into the world of professions”.

In particular, on the Pidiellino side, “from a general economic point of view, Mr Brunetta is adopting extreme and sectarian positions, with the authority of a professor of a certain academic stature – added the Professor -. Within the PDL there is a certain closeness to the professional orders of pharmacies, other professions and this has prevented the liberalizations from being carried forward”.

Once the pruning of the extreme branches is complete, Monti would open the door to those he considers the true reformists: "I think it would be very important to acquire in the reform effort, in addition to the center, those reformists of the left and right who are available."

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