
Korean skates and Salesian schools in South Sudan

Kim Yu-na is a celebrity in South Korea having won gold medals at the Olympics and world titles in figure skating: he donated 70 million Won (about half a million euros) to two Italian Salesians who are promoting the construction of schools in poor countries and especially in Sudan.

Korean skates and Salesian schools in South Sudan

Kim Yu-na (Kim is her last name) is a celebrity in South Korea having won Olympic gold medals and world titles in figure skating. And, in a beautiful tale of globalization, he united Italian Salesians, Korean skaters and pupils from a new and troubled country - South Sudan - in the construction of new schools in one of the most deprived areas of the world.

Kim Yu-na donated 70 million Won (about half a million euros) to two Italian Salesians who have lived in South Korea for many years and who are promoting the construction of schools in poor countries and especially in Sudan. Father Vincentius Donatti, 84, has been in Korea for more than forty years and is famous in the Catholic community for having created many religious hymns in Korean. Together with the Salesian Brother Giacomo Comino (73 years old) they set themselves the mission of creating a hundred schools in South Sudan. And figure skater Kim Yu-na's generosity made the dream come closer. 

Read The English Chosun 
