
Patronage: Optima Italia, talent scout of new artists in Milan, Venice and Palermo

Optima supports public art "Nonsense Makes Sense" by Angelo Accardi "the daily rebellion that aspires to freedom"

Patronage: Optima Italia, talent scout of new artists in Milan, Venice and Palermo

Optima Italia, a company operating in the energy sector based in Naples – and his founders Alessio Matrone and Danilo Caruso – through its entrepreneurial activities it is a promoter of important patronage initiatives, thus helping to drain the flight of young people from the south, it is proposed as a reality of talent scout for new artists.

The project for public art was born from this mission "Nonsense makes sense"of Angelo Accardi.

The first stage of this creative roadmap concerns the installation in some Italian cities of POETRY, a monumental sculpture in painted metal that with the word "FUCK", ideally completes a trilogy started by Robert Indiana with the iconic poetic sculptures "LOVE" and "HOPE".

We ask the two founders Matrone and Caruso: Public art in a social vision, why? What is the message you intend to give beyond the context in which they are displayed? 

“We live in an era of strong social, political and generational transition and any patronage activity must take this transformation into consideration. Patronage, before being declined, must ask itself questions about its own purpose and field of action. Today man is redefining the boundaries of his daily existence, re-evaluating his primary needs through new cultural paradigms that also resize relationships with oneself and with others. In this context we believe that it is necessary to accompany society in the definition and understanding of these new paradigms, and to do this art, a true tool for constructing meanings, must become public, leaving the museums and embracing civil society in the most intimate as possible. It is no longer just a question of free use, but a real paideutic question, a daily path in which man reforms himself by observing and gradually accepting the great transformation underway with the aim of improving himself. “

“When we decided to support Angelo Accardi's artistic project, we recognized its very strong educational purpose, an invitation to rebellion that is more necessary than ever to tear up the daily life and the "data" sedimented in each of us, with all its prejudices. The strength of the message is such that the context becomes only an additional element, since it could be displayed on any street in the world and carry the same meaning. Furthermore, POETRY is also proof that public art is not only necessary, but is also possible if strongly desired and if it carries true values, placing itself at the service of users and involving the communities of reference."

Milan Poetry was installed at the Milano Graphic Festival (25 March), at the Certosa Graphic Village in Via Giovanni da Udine, 45. And from 4 April it will be exhibited at the BASE Milano (ex Ansaldo).

Venice it will be visible on the small pier of Villa Balbi Valier overlooking the Grand Canal from 25 March to 25 April.

Palermo the installation received the Patronage of the Mayor and is hosted by the Federico II Foundation in the gardens of Villa Bonanno, Via Vittorio Emanuele 463, from 26 March to 5 May 2022.
