
Patrizia Grieco will be the new president of Assonime

The president of Banca Mps was unanimously designated. You take the place of Innocenzo Cipolletta who can no longer be re-elected after two terms. Changeover in June

Patrizia Grieco will be the new president of Assonime

Patrizia Grieco will be the new president of Assonymous, the association that brings together joint-stock companies. This was established by the board of directors of the association convened to decide, in fact, who would be indicated as successor to Innocent Cipolletta, current president, who will leave office after holding it for two terms and is no longer eligible for re-election.

Patricia Grieco is the current chairman of Mps Bank and was, previously, president of Enel for two consecutive terms. He gathered a unanimous consensus after consulting the wise men in charge and will assume the new position on June 17 when the annual meeting of Assonime will meet. The manager is not new to corporate issues and she is particularly interested in governance and transparency. Just today the result of the working group you coordinated for Assonime was presented, dedicated to the "duties of directors and sustainability". The work - states the association's note - intends to promote an active participation of the business system in the realization of the objectives on sustainable corporate governance, with the aim of contributing, through gradual and proportionate measures, to the construction of a European business model sustainable.

Grieco, from Milan, is 69 years old, has a law degree from the Milan State University, and began her career at Italtel in 1977 where, in 2002, she became managing director. Afterwards she's the one driving Siemens Informatics and from 2008 to 2013 she was the managing director and president of Olivetti. Grieco from 2014 to 2020 you were the president of Enel before being indicated by the Treasury for the presidency of Banca Mps.
