
VAT numbers and news coming with the 2017 Stability Law

The government plans not only to cancel the increases foreseen for the contribution rate of the VAT numbers registered in the separate INPS management, but also to reduce the threshold from 27 to 25% - For project collaborators, the transition to ordinary management of the Inps.

Good news on the horizon for VAT numbers registered in the separate management of INPS and for project collaborators. On the table of the undersecretary Tommaso Nannicini - according to what the newspaper La Stampa writes today - there is a 350 million euro plan in favor of these two categories. The package, which should flow into the 2017 Stability Law, provides for two substantial innovations.


For self-employed workers who do not pay contributions to a private pension fund, but are enrolled in the "Inps 2" management, the rate is 27% for this year, to which is added the additional rate of 0,72% for finance maternity protection, family allowances, hospital stays, sickness and parental leave.

The current law provides for an increase of two points for next year (to 29,72%) and for 2018 the equalization of collaborators without a VAT number (with a rate of 33,72%).

The new government plan would not only cancel these increases, but would reduce the rate from 27 to 25%, just one point more than what INPS asks of artisans and traders.

Different speech for the additional rate, which should rise from 0,72 to 1 or 1,25%, however widening the range of covered social security benefits (there are also plans to finance a fund for the purchase of capital goods) .

According to the technicians of Palazzo Chigi, the operation will return a total of around one thousand euros a year to VAT numbers, or the equivalent of the 80 euros a month that the government guaranteed last year to employees with average incomes.  


For those who have a contract, on the other hand, the transition to the ordinary management of INPS is envisaged. Within a few years, project collaborators will be able to count on the same benefits as employees, from maternity leave to sickness, through to the Naspi unemployment benefit in the event of job loss. "There will have to be a transitory and gradual passage - explains a technical source quoted by the newspaper -, but the goal is the equalization of rights".
