
Parliament postpones homophobia, party financing and defamation measures to September

Traffic jam in the calendar of the Chamber and Senate - The measures on public financing of parties, defamation in the press and homophobia are postponed to September - Today the decree of doing returns to the Chamber of Deputies

Parliament postpones homophobia, party financing and defamation measures to September

Parliament struggles in the days before the summer breakwhich starts on Saturday.

This morning the council of ministers, after about two hours of meeting at Palazzo Chigi, approved the decree law on security and for the fight against gender-based violence. The objective of the law text is above all to combat the phenomenon of violence against women and the so-called feminicide. This was announced by Prime Minister Enrico Letta himself with a tweet during the session: “We promised it. Shall we".

The D"prison emptying" bill, back from the Chamber where it was modified last Monday, was definitively approved by the Senate with 195 votes in favor and 57 against.

The final vote on the text of the decree on doing is underway in the Chamber, approved yesterday by the Senate with 190 votes in favour, 67 against and one abstention. Approval expected for tonight.

Proceedings postponed to September on homophobia, the new public financing of parties, defamation. Without forgetting that the new law on the exchange of votes looms over Palazzo Madama. The appointments of the members of the Presidency Councils of Administrative Justice, of the Court of Auditors and of Tax Justice have also been postponed.

The deputies will return to work in the commission on 28 August, the Aula di Montecitorio will reopen on 4 August. Difficult months ahead for our political representatives. Today Fabrizio Saccomanni said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal: "If we go to early elections without making progress on reforms, it would be very damaging."
