
Parliament, the 5 Star Movement loses other pieces

Two senators and a deputy from Grillini tendered their resignations today – “The decisions of the past few weeks are far from what has been sustained in recent years”.

Parliament, the 5 Star Movement loses other pieces

New tear in the 5 Star Movement, which loses three other parliamentarians. Senators Giuseppe Vacciano and Ivana Simeoni and the deputy Cristian Iannuzzi have, in fact, resigned today, in what has been defined as a "Pontine schism", considering the origins of the three, who come from Latina.

“Today I delivered my resignation letter from the Senate – Vacciano explained -, not from the M5S parliamentary group. I'll leave the decision on my stay in the parliamentary group up to the moment of the final goodbyes to my colleagues and obviously to our guarantor. I have no interest in other parties, groups, movements, currents and even less in continuing to carry out political activity at any level".

According to the Senator, "The decisions taken and the organizational choices made in recent weeks are, in my opinion, far from what I have supported and for which I have fought over the years". “Today – continues Vacciano – I am unable to identify in this Movement (although I am firmly convinced that it represents the last hope for the country) some fundamental elements for me, in which I believe deeply. To ignore or pretend to ignore this fact would be to be intellectually dishonest and take advantage of the trust of so many people".

The grillina patrol in the Chamber and Senate, therefore, loses new pieces: at Palazzo Madama there are now only thirty-seven representatives of the Movement, against fifty-four at the beginning of the mandate, while the elections for Napolitano's succession are approaching.
