
Balanced budget in the Constitution: the commissions of the Chamber at work from Monday

Starting next Monday, the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of the Montecitorio will be engaged in the fact-finding investigation, which should be completed by October. The examination of the individual proposals will begin in November.

Balanced budget in the Constitution: the commissions of the Chamber at work from Monday

Introduce a balanced budget into the Constitution. With this objective, the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of the Chamber, meeting jointly, have decided to start a fact-finding investigation. There are eight bills on the table, from the government and the PDL (initiatives by Giuseppe Marinello and Antonio Martino), but also from the opposition (Linda Lanzillotta of the API, Renato Cambursano of the IDV, Maria Pia Merloni, Marco Beltrandi and Pier Luigi Bersani of the Pd).

Before finalizing a unified text or a basic text, Italian and foreign experts in constitutional, economic and accounting matters will be heard, as well as representatives of the competent institutions in the field of public finance, including the Court of Auditors. The hearings will start as early as next week and will continue the following week. The aim is to conclude the work by October, to then begin the examination of the individual proposals in November. 
