
Palazzo Davanzati (Florence) online on the MiBACT YouTube channel

Palazzo Davanzati (Florence) online on the MiBACT YouTube channel

The video “Palazzo Davanzati. The dream of an ancient residence" with the history and interiors of one of the best preserved historic Florentine buildings is the short documentary available on the MiBACT YouTube channel 

where since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency, museums, archaeological parks and autonomous state institutes have been providing audiovisual contributions of all kinds to allow people to continue enjoying the national cultural heritage.

A fourteenth-century unification of previous tower houses, Palazzo Davanzati bears witness to the transition to a Renaissance palace in the heart of medieval Florence. An ancient history, which began with the Davizi merchant family who founded it in the mid-fourteenth century when it returned from Avignon and continued to the present day in the numerous changes of ownership to definitively enter the state heritage in 1956. Known and lesser-known personalities of national history have alternated in these rooms, from Carlo Collodi who frequented the clandestine gambling den he was born in the mid-nineteenth century to Giovanni Papini who installed the editorial board of the magazine "Leonardo" there. Undergoing a long restoration from the 2009s to XNUMX, thanks to the furnishings from the Bargello deposits, the collections of lace and painted objects and the pictorial cycles of frescoes, Palazzo Davanzati today constitutes a model of Florentineness in the world, which the public will soon be able to discover or rediscover.

With this initiative the Mibact, through a choral commitment of all its institutes, thus shows not only what is usually accessible to the public, but also the behind-the-scenes of cultural heritage with the numerous professionals who deal with conservation, protection, enhancement . Through the website and its social profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the Ministry relaunches the numerous digital initiatives underway. 
