
Palazzo Chigi: "No negotiations with the EU on Italy's accounts"

According to what has been declared by government sources, Italy will do its part, as repeatedly reiterated by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, respecting the 3% constraint without increasing the tax burden.

Palazzo Chigi: "No negotiations with the EU on Italy's accounts"

Sources at Palazzo Chigi, with regard to some press reconstructions, underline that there is no ongoing negotiation, neither "secret nor public", with Europe on Italy's debt (in addition to the questions on flexibility with the ECB and on armchairs in Brussels) nor any plan to cut debt. Again according to government sources, Italy will therefore do its part, as repeatedly reiterated by the premier, respecting the 3% constraint without increasing the tax burden.

There is no Italy problem in Europe, Palazzo Chigi reiterates: there is a problem in the Eurozone that Italy will contribute to tackling. A sign that the prime minister intends to pivot on the risk of the crisis that touches all the countries of the Eurozone, including the German locomotive, to arrive at an overall redefinition of the assessment of the accounts of the individual countries. Probably, more than a few "changes" granted to Italy as a discount by the current commission led by Barroso with the stern eye of Olli Rehn, Rome hopes to renegotiate the entire architecture of European public accounts with the new commission, which will after the launch of the stability law.
