
Emerging countries: BRICS, 2012 will be the year of overtaking

ADVISE ONLY – Emerging countries will contribute 70% to world gross domestic product in 2012. The future of the economic and financial system is theirs. But for the old western economies it is not only bad news. The strong economic growth of some areas of the planet can offer the investor great earning opportunities.

Emerging countries: BRICS, 2012 will be the year of overtaking

The future belongs to the BRICS. They were once emerging. Today, with their gross domestic product, they contribute 70% to world growth. We are talking about countries such as China, Brazil, India, Russia, the bricks that hold up the economic structure known under the acronym BRICS. But not only. Because emerging economies are the countries of South-East Asia, the Middle East, South America and North Africa. Areas that were once developing but are now riding the tiger of economic growth. A race that takes them straight to the finish line of overtaking the already developed economies. 

Overtaking. According to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IFM), this is the year of overtaking. An important economic figure, with important consequences also on a social level, but which also assumes importance with regard to investment choices. Because if economic growth has moved elsewhere, to the new market economies, it means that there are companies there that are able to make profits, workers who buy goods and services, states that can issue large debts with surplus balance sheets. 

But how to orient yourself in investments in such distant countries without worrying about where your savings end up? The AdviseOnly website offers in the Market Analysis/Financial World Map area a service that keeps an eye on the yield to maturity, bond and equity performance.  
