
Padoan replies to Juncker: "The government did not want to offend"

The Italian government entrusts the Minister of Economy with the task of mediating and calming spirits, after the criticisms of the president of the commission to Renzi

Padoan replies to Juncker: "The government did not want to offend"

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has not yet replied to Jean-Claude Juncker's criticisms, who instead entrusted Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, in Brussels for the Ecofin meeting, with the task of appeasing the discontent EU. Speaking of relations between Italy and the European Union which "remain cordial and constructive" and pointing out that "the Italian government has no intention of offending anyone and least of all the European Commission or its members".

Padoan specified that he spoke after having confronted Prime Minister Renzi: "As often happens we hear each other, we have heard each other about this and we have shared the things I have told you". As for flexibility, the MEF owner explained that "it is clear that it was the EU Commission that introduced it with the communication on flexibility", but - he added - "I remember that we got there with the debate that was developed during the semester of the Italian presidency". Italy, the minister also added, has all the credentials to access the flexibility allowed by the EU.

Padoan also asked Brussels for a quick clarification on the bad bank. 
