
Pa, Consult rejects part of the Madia reform

Among the articles declared illegitimate, there is also the one concerning the reform of public management, whose implementing decree was approved yesterday by the council of ministers. Renzi: "It is the victory of the bureaucrats and proof that the country is blocked"

Small rejection for the reform of the PA: today the Constitutional Court declared the illegitimacy of 4 articles of the Madia reform, in the part in which it is envisaged that the implementing decrees are adopted with the prior opinion rather than prior agreement in the unified State-Regions Conference.

Among the articles declared illegitimate, there is also the one concerning the public management reform, whose implementing decree was approved yesterday by the council of ministers. The decree was approved by the government without having reached any agreement with the Regions and now, if published in the Gazette, it could be immediately challenged and therefore declared unconstitutional. Complicating the picture is the circumstance that the deadline for exercising the delegation on management will expire in two days, on November 27th.

The other articles censured by the Court are those on reorganization of investee companies, on the reform of local public services (whose decree was definitively approved yesterday), and the public service reform, whose delegation will be exercised by the government within the next month of February.

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's comment was harsh: "It is the victory of the bureaucrats and proof that the country is blocked".
