
Optical fiber, the first connected user in Southern Salento: that's who it is

The optical fiber arrives in the Martinucci confectionery factory, the first connected user in southern Salento. The Infratel Italia plan implemented by Open Fiber with the supervision of the Puglia Region involves 256 municipalities with a total investment of 34,5 million for digital development

Optical fiber, the first connected user in Southern Salento: that's who it is

The confectionery factory Martinucci can now develop the innovation of its production processes through the best technology available on the market. And the first user in the Apulian industrial area of ​​Presicce – Acquarica, in the province of Lecce, which will be able to take advantage of the new public telecommunications network ultra-wide band, so far served only by networks with limited power (ADSL).

As part of the BUL Strategic Plan launched by Infratel Italy – in-house company of the Ministry of Economic Development – ​​and implemented by Open Fiber with the supervision of Puglia region, the ultra-fast optical fiber has been installed within the Salento company Martinucci: the company with over 70 years of history can now use the service in FTTH mode (Fiber-to-the-home, the fiber extended right into the home) with connection speeds of up to 1 Gigabit per second.

The notice from 34,5 million intended for digital development in Puglia entered the operational phase in full lockdown. By 2023, 103 real estate units will be covered by ultra-broadband infrastructure, identified following ministerial consultation among the so-called market failure areas of 256 municipalities, with particular attention to the digitally weakest industrial areas.

“Together with Infratel and Open Fiber – he said Alessandro Delli Noci, regional councilor for economic development – ​​we are carrying out, within the context of the BUL strategic plan, an important work aimed at bringing ultra-broadband to the industrial areas of Puglia. An essential service to improve digital activities and services and to increase the competitive capacity and attraction of investments in the area. Improving the conditions of those companies that have decided to invest in industrial areas and encouraging the establishment of new companies there is our goal”.

The company led by Elisabetta Ripa is engaged in an important technological innovation project in Puglia as well as throughout Italy, both with its own funds and in the role of concessionaire. “The sense of the daily commitment lavished from the Gargano to Capo di Leuca – he declared Hugh Falgarini, Puglia regional manager of Open Fiber – is summed up by the opportunity guaranteed to the Martinucci company which can now make the most of a cutting-edge telematic connection”.

“Open Fiber in Puglia is investing around 240 million euros, funds aimed at the digital advancement of densely populated centers and areas discovered so far by ultrabroadband connectivity services – underlined Falgarini -. Companies, professionals, public administrations, citizens of large cities and now also of more peripheral centres, can count on a technologically advanced infrastructure capable of managing the constant and progressive increase in data traffic. The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of intervening in this sense. Open Fiber, since its foundation, has been ready. And today we are reaping the fruits of this decisive drive towards innovation shared with authorities, businesses and local bodies”.
