
Opificio Golinelli: 11 and 12 May the School Maker Day 2018

The 11rd edition of School Maker Day 12 will be held on Friday 3 and Saturday 2018 May at the Opificio Golinelli in Bologna – 35 schools in Emilia-Romagna will exhibit over sixty projects related to the most recent and interesting digital innovations

Opificio Golinelli: 11 and 12 May the School Maker Day 2018

The third edition of School Maker Day 11 will be held on Friday 12 and Saturday 9.30 May, from 18 to 2018 at the Opificio Golinelli in Bologna. Thirty-five schools in Emilia-Romagna will be participating in the call for makers, over sixty projects related to the most recent and interesting digital innovations will exhibit at the Opificio Golinelli.

As l'Opificio explains, the first day – Friday 11 May – will be characterized by a novelty: “three hackathons aimed at primary school, lower secondary and upper secondary school students”. At the same time as the competitions, workshops and seminars will be held for teachers on the themes of maker culture, recognized as training activities.

The second day will instead be dedicated to the display of projects on digital innovations developed by schools and will also be open to the public. 

“Makers are passionate about technology, design, sustainability, innovative business models; the maker culture emphasizes active learning, favors shared learning motivated by fun and self-realization, encourages the application of new technologies”, explains the Opificio Golinelli in a note.

The event is part of the project activities foreseen by the Territorial Laboratory for employability Opus Facere - doing to understand - and is organized by the IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti, by the Marconi TSI Service of the USR Emilia-Romagna and by the Golinelli Foundation, in collaboration with Metropolitan City of Bologna and with the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Regional School Office. Participation is free.
