
Public works: the money is there but the construction sites remain closed

Despite the availability of public funding, the builders of Ance denounce the fact that the construction sites are not restarting and it is not possible to carry out the planned public works program - Rain of reports on the website - ​​New procurement code under accusation but for Cantone (Anac) the cause of the stalemate does not lie in the new rules but in the inability to apply them

Public works: the money is there but the construction sites remain closed

“2017 was the tenth year of the construction crisis, despite the conspicuous increase in resources made available by the last two governments.” It is what was stated by Gabriele Buia, president of Ance, the National Association of Builders, and confirmed by the facts: an increase in expenditure commitments for public works equal to 23% in the last year and a decrease in real expenditure of 3%.

Therefore the funds are there, but they cannot materialize and this clearly emerges from the campaign against national infrastructure delays in which the association is active. On the site there are also twenty reports of delays per day.

For Reed the problem lies in the new procurement code where the tender procedures would have been seriously weighed down by the new obligations, to such an extent that the commissioners prefer to avoid them in order not to incur the risk of heavy penalties. Indeed, the system has changed considerably.

The public administration currently has to present executive plans much more detailed than before and has to judge contractors on the basis of parameters that go beyond the simple offer price. In response to these provisions, the contracting offices should be reduced, gather in a few large units and work on efficiency.

Never Municipality they would seem to be less than ready for such a change: human resources are lacking and techniques do not adequately respond to the degree of difficulty presented by such projects.

While on the one hand the procedure, with resolutions and disputes, could be onerous, on the other hand there is a lack of adequate competence to carry it forward. In other words, if the works stop, it could be because there is no one who is actually able to design them.

There are who, how Raffaele Cantone, president of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, believes that the problem does not lie in the new rules, but in the inability to apply them.
