Open Fiber, optical fiber arrives in La Spezia

Open Fiber

Even La Spezia, the second largest urban center in Liguria and an important industrial center in the Mediterranean in the naval sector, is accelerating thanks to its infrastructure FTTH (Fiber To The Homefiber to the house) of Open Fiber: the company led by Elisabetta Ripa has in fact completed the cabling of the former 11mila real estate units of the city, where a new, modern and cutting-edge network is now available, which enables connection speeds of up to 1 Gigabit for second. The ultra-fast fiber has already arrived in the Migliarina and Canaletto districts, but work continues to connect the almost 36mila real estate units envisaged in the Open Fiber development plan.  

The company owned by Enel and Cdp Equity is cabling La Spezia, where one of Italy's most important maritime military arsenals is also based, through approximately 21mila kilometers of optical fiber in FTTH mode, and thanks to a total investment of over 13 million euro.  

Open Fiber's goal is to create an ultra-broadband network that is as pervasive and efficient as possible, which favors the recovery of competitiveness of the "country system" and, in particular, the evolution towards “Industry 4.0”. The services enabled by ultra-broadband are numerous and extend to areas such as the Internet of Things, e-health, cloud computing, online streaming of HD content, access to advanced Public Administration services, applications Smart Cities such as sustainable mobility, electronic access control, environmental monitoring, public lighting management and the digitization of tourism services. 

Open Fiber is an operator wholesale only, as it does not sell services to the final customer but is active exclusively in the wholesale market, offering access to all interested operators. VodafoneWind TreTiscali e Withu they are the partner companies that are the first to market services on the Open Fiber network for the municipality of La Spezia, but in the coming months other operators will begin to provide ultra-fast fiber services. 

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