Open Fiber announces that it has made available the ultra-fast fiber optic connection in 5 thousand real estate units of Greek's tower, municipality of the metropolitan city of Naples. Guaranteed connection speed reaches i 10 Gigabits per second, but for the moment the coverage is limited to the southern area of the city, in particular the area between the Compagnia dei Carabinieri and the municipal offices of Palazzo La Salle, up to the coast road at the height of the Guardia di Finanza headquarters. Open Fiber's goal is to achieve 23 between homes, shops and offices included in the cabling plan in FTTH mode (Fibre To The Home). Open Fiber's direct investment in Torre del Greco amounts to 7 million euros.
In Campania, the company has already wired a large number of Municipalities: Naples, Benevento, Caserta, Salerno, Acerra, Afragola, Battipaglia, Casalnuovo, Casoria, Castellammare di Stabia, Cava de' Tirreni, Giugliano, Marano di Napoli, Melito di Napoli, Mugnano , Nola, Portici, San Giorgio a Cremano and Villaricca. In all, the real estate units reached with ultra-broadband fiber are 720.
Open Fiber does not sell services to the end customer, but is active exclusively in the wholesale market, offering access to all interested operators. "The main Open Fiber partner operators, together with local Internet service providers, are already marketing services on the ultra-fast network built in the municipality of Torre del Greco - reads a note - interested citizens only have to check the coverage of their own address on the site, contact one of the available operators and choose the tariff plan preferred to start surfing at very high speed”.
Open Fiber also points out that the wiring of the buildings is free and for the use of the condominium, "with the consequent advantages in terms of economic evaluation of the property and commercial attractiveness guaranteed by the presence of ultra-broadband connectivity", concludes the note.