Open Fiber brings fiber to Seregno

Open Fiber has signed an agreement with the municipality of Seregno which provides for a 5 million euro investment by the company led by Elisabetta Ripa to connect 15 thousand real estate units in the city via 120 km of network in FTTH (Fiber To The Home) mode up to home).

The works in Seregno have already started and will be completed within 18 months. The agreement establishes the excavation and restoration methods for laying the optical fibre. Where possible, the company will use existing underground pipelines and infrastructure

 “Open Fiber brings the fiber home – declares the Regional Manager of West Lombardy of Open Fiber, Antonio Chiesa – with performances that cannot be compared to other technologies, thus laying the foundations for a real smart city. Seregno is another important element for the company in Lombardy, a region where we are proposing a very valid development model, thanks to an investment of almost 500 million euros in areas with market success. In close collaboration with the municipal administration, we will try to limit any kind of inconvenience for citizens. Our goal is to deliver a future-proof network to the city, which can, for example, enable access to advanced public administration services, smart working, online streaming in HD, and many other applications".

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