
Open Fiber: ultra broadband for mountain startups

Open Fiber, together with the Edoardo Garrone Foundation, will connect startups launched in mountainous areas throughout Italy to ultra-broadband, so as to provide concrete tools to increase their competitiveness on the market.

Open Fiber: ultra broadband for mountain startups

Open Fiber has signed a collaboration agreement with the private Edoardo Garrone Foundation, with the aim of support young businesses in mountain areas thanks to the ultra-broadband connection.

This cooperation can not only create new opportunities for entrepreneurial development for the new generations, but also a revitalization of the social and economic fabric of the internal areas.

The first to benefit from the agreement, which is valid until 2025, will be the startups set up in the mountains, the Apennines and the Alps, thanks to the temporary incubators ReStarApp and ReStartAlp, promoted by the Farrone Foundation. Startup incubators are companies aimed at supporting startups, especially in the early stages, by providing a series of support resources and services, in exchange for a shareholding in the company.

The task of Open Fiber will be to connect all the companies born from the previous eight editions of the campuses, scattered throughout the territory, with the future ones to the ultra-broadband network. Through this agreement, young entrepreneurs will thus be able to access the connection tools necessary to satisfy their communication needs.

Il president of the foundation, Alexander Garrone, commented positively on this collaboration, within which, "by working together and making different but complementary and synergistic skills available, we can really make a difference".

Also Elisabetta Ripa, CEO of Open Fiber, underlined the importance of this agreement for the growth of our country, in order to guarantee equal opportunities for all citizens and businesses that need efficient infrastructures to fully express their value, regardless of geographical location.

The first wired enterprise is EcoHubDesign, startup in the province of Sondrio by Chiara Brigatti who participated in the 2018 edition of ReStartAlp and deals with the design, promotion and dissemination of sustainable and conscious construction, with the aim of creating a network of companies aimed at relaunching the territories alpine.

2 thoughts on "Open Fiber: ultra broadband for mountain startups"

  1. Are there special solutions for Veneto? I think of Venice as my destination city, which doesn't have to be satisfied with a radio link, neither service nor healthy, but which deserves wiring with all the trappings and the necessary submarine laying passages at an adequate and safe depth.

  2. Thanks for the interesting article. shows the coverage and the status of the construction sites updated to December 2019. The "service/technology" column indicates whether the coverage will actually be of the FTTH type or implemented via radio links.
    In Buricratese, the column "tato construction site" valued as "open" simply indicates that Infratel has issued an execution order.

    We ask ourselves: what are the subsequent stages envisaged by the authorization process? Is there a cost report, a work schedule, an indicative expiry date at least for those actually "on site"?

    Finally, if it is true that the all-Italian mini-trench excavation technique will also have reduced the operating costs of excavation and installation by a factor of 10, we wonder why+ it is not included as a right in the law on universal service in telecommunications, which it provides for the obligation to update the legislation in the light of technological advances, as in the present case.

