
Takeover bid Ansaldo Sts: Consob extends participation to 4 March

The decision was taken following the pronouncement of the TAR which accepted Hitachi's request to suspend as a precautionary measure the resolution with which Consob had raised the price of the offer.

Takeover bid Ansaldo Sts: Consob extends participation to 4 March

Consob has extended to 4 March 2016 the duration of the acceptance period for the tender offer promoted by Hitachi Rail Italy Investments on the shares issued by Ansaldo Sts. The Commission communicates this in a note, explaining that the decision was taken following the pronouncement of the Tar which accepted Hitachi's request to suspend as a precautionary measure the resolution with which Consob had raised the offer price.

Without prejudice to the fact that the legitimacy of the resolution to increase the price will be assessed by the Regional Administrative Court at the relevant hearing, the extension was adopted by Consob in order to allow Ansaldo STS shareholders to have sufficient time to understand the effects of the precautionary decision of the Tar.
