
Camera, online draft Internet rights

On 8 October 2014, the Commission for rights and duties relating to the Internet launched a draft declaration of rights on the Internet, which is published today on the Chamber's website and also on the Civic Media platform for public consultation: the collection of citizens' contributions will start on 27 October and will last four months

Camera, online draft Internet rights

It is the first time in Italy that a study commission on these issues has been set up in parliament. The idea comes from the awareness that considering the Internet one of the various media is simplistic and improper. The Internet is much more: it is an essential dimension for the present and the future of our societies; a dimension that has quickly become an immense space of freedom, growth, exchange and knowledge.

This reminds everyone of a precise responsibility: to provide an effective contribution to finally adopting a Bill of rights on the Internet and this is the Commission's objective.

For 4 months starting from 27 October all interested citizens will be able to contribute to the text, evaluating the Commission's proposals, with comments and suggestions. Furthermore, the draft will be distributed to the participants in the Meeting of the Presidents of the Commissions competent in matters of fundamental rights. The Charter, through the protection of rights, aims to ensure the democratic functioning of institutions, so that "the prevalence of public and private powers that can lead to a society of surveillance, control and social selection is avoided."

I 14 articles that make up the draft are related to:

Recognition and guarantee of rights - Right of access - Net neutrality - Protection of personal data - Right to informational self-determination - Inviolability of systems and domiciles - Automated processing - Right to identity - Anonymity - Right to be forgotten - Rights and guarantees of people on platforms - Network security - Right to education - Criteria for governing the network

Full text at the bottom of the article.

Attachments: Full text of draft Charter of Internet Rights
