On the eve of the new meeting between Renzi and Berlusconi, Forza Italia turns out to be trina

Silvio Berlusconi will return in the next few hours to meet Matteo Renzi to revisit the Italicum and confirm its support on institutional reforms but the Forza Italia behind it is no longer one but at least triune. By now, to update the new geography of the main center-right party, ornithology is needed more than political science. There are doves, there are hawks, there are medians and then there are always owls.

Berlusconi is still the leader of Forza Italia, even if Grillo never noticed it, but long gone are the times when Forza Italia didn't move a leaf that the then Knight didn't want. After all, what better and more than the sudden cracks and the many doubts of conscience (ohibò, who would have thought that even the Brunettas, the Gasparris, the Fittsor do they discover they have a soul?) does it reveal the decline of a leadership that for Berlusconi inexorably began with the conviction for tax fraud? Today, therefore, there is not one Forza Italia but, as the "Corriere della Sera" shrewdly wrote yesterday, at least three. And moreover with unpredictable characters. Who was a hawk until yesterday today turns out to be a dove and whoever was a treatiseist is now flexing his muscles. Then, of course, there are the clever ones, who keep themselves ready for any eventuality as it is not yet clear how the political story will evolve and who will win in the party and in the Government.

THE DOVES – In addition to the businessmen led by Faithful Confalonieri and by Berlusconi's sons, the Florentine senator has been among the doves for some time now Denis Verdini who, by virtue of direct knowledge with Renzi, has successfully piloted the negotiations with the premier on electoral and institutional reforms from the outset. On the other hand, it is not surprising that Gianni Letta, always a soft negotiator, and the leader of Forza Italia, also line up among the doves. Paul Romans. A sign of the times, on the other hand, is the placement in this line-up of the lawyer Niccolò Ghedini, who as a lawyer led Berlusconi into the judicial tunnel until the genius of the forum who is the lawyer Coppi emerged, and who has always flexed his muscles but who , owing everything (money and parliamentary career) to the former Knight, now aligns. Ineffable.

THE HAWKS – The leaders of the hard wing of Forza Italia are essentially three: the group leader of the Chamber, Renato Brunetta, the former minister Maurizio Gasparri and the MEP from Puglia Raffaele Fitto. This group also includes the former director of Tg1, Augusto Minzolini, the former president of the Lazio Region,Renata Polverini and the parliamentarian Laura Ravetto. It is a group that is betting on Renzi's failure and that does not share Berlusconi's soft line, who instead prefers to negotiate with the prime minister not to give him a gift but to gain time in the hope of relaunching himself when the vote returns.

It makes you smile that people who entered Parliament only at the behest of Berlusconi and who distinguished themselves in the recent past for their pronounced servile attitude towards the leader now raise their voices. But, as we know, everyone has a family and general interests, like political wisdom, can wait.

THE ATTENDANTS – The third section of Forza Italia is made up of those who are neither here nor there. Call them crafty, if you like. They are the ones waiting to figure out who will win and then take sides. They are mostly moderates, ideally closer than against Berlusconi but detest Verdini. The medians include the new political adviser, John Toti who, although close to the former Cavaliere who literally invented him, is not sure of the alliance with the premier. Then there are the Amazons: the former ministers Mariastella Gelmini and Mara Carfagna and the faithful one of the past Deborah Bergamini.

For now Berlusconi doesn't show that he cares too much about the divisions in Forza Italia and goes on his way, although he is always ready to reverse course when it no longer suits him, but he is certainly not happy and the split in the party is the image plastic that his charisma is no longer what it used to be. Years go by for everyone and power wears out: who has it or who doesn't?

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