
Omicron: Diasorin launches a new research test

This is the new version of an already used test and does not serve for diagnostic purposes - It can be performed directly on samples collected by swab

Omicron: Diasorin launches a new research test

Diasorin announces the launch of a new version of the Simplexa Sars-CoV-2 Variants Direct test, test for research use onlywhich allows you to locate the mutations associated with the Omicron variant.

The test, explains the pharmaceutical company in a note, simplifies and accelerates the process of pre-selection of positive samples to be subjected to sequencing, maximizing the effectiveness of monitoring activities for the diffusion of variants.

It is important to underline that the Simplexa SARS-CoV-2 Variants Direct test is for research, not diagnosis. It can be performed directly on samples collected via nasal or nasopharyngeal swabs that have tested positive for Covid and allows the detection of the E484A, E484K, E484Q, G496S, Q498R, L452R, N501Y, and Y505H mutations, i.e. those present in the variants that have potential clinical relevance and epidemiological (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Iota, Kappa, Mu and Omicron).

The test is sold in a kit composed of ready-to-use reagents and is performed without the need for extraction thanks to the Direct Amplification Disc technology and the melting curve analysis enabled by the Liaison Mdx platform.

At the end of the morning, Diasorin's share on the Stock Exchange was down 1,7%, at 151,70 euros, placing itself at the bottom of the Ftse Mib.
