
Olivetti, how to turn your tablet into a cash register

The service is aimed at the retail and catering world and includes an app that can be downloaded onto a tablet enriched with cloud data storage and statistics functions, a wireless tax printer, as well as installation and assistance service.

Olivetti, how to turn your tablet into a cash register

Turning your tablet into a cash register is possible with Scontrino Semplice. The service, launched by Olivetti, is aimed at the retail and catering world and includes an app that can be downloaded onto a tablet enriched with cloud data storage and statistics functions, a wireless fiscal printer, as well as installation and assistance service. 

The solution allows assisted and mobile sales within the commercial establishment. Compatible with the main operating systems (iOS, Android and Windows8), the app allows you to carry out all the operations of the traditional cash point using a tablet connected via wi-fi to the Olivetti PRT 200FX fiscal printer and allows remote access to data on sales and statistics synchronized in the cloud. 

The solution also integrates compatibility with the main Pos mobile payment systems and provides for the possibility of adding new modules with additional functions, for example in the context of customer loyalty programs. 

The service is offered through the Telecom Italia commercial network as part of the Impresa Semplice offer, as well as through the direct sales channel and through Olivetti's dealers. The solution takes advantage of the skills developed by Olivetti in the field of traditional and advanced cash systems, and expands its range of offers, strengthening its leadership in a rapidly growing and evolving sector.
