
Every Sunday a free story: from today on FIRST Arte

Starting today on FIRST Arte a new column, the "Sunday Tale", which hosts unpublished texts thanks to an editorial collaboration with the Thesis literary agency and the Tuscan start-up goWare - "Time to fly" by the English poet Ruth Padel is debut story.

Every Sunday a free story: from today on FIRST Arte

The new column of FIRST Art “Tale of Sunday”, which was born from the collaboration between FIRST Arte, the literary agency Thesis Contents and the new publishing startup goWare. Its purpose is to offer readers free short stories from and about the contemporary world, stories that look at current events, customs, politics and society in the time of going digital.

This week's poem is called "Time to fly" and is written by the English author Ruth Padel: it is taken from the collection of prose and poems The Mara Crossing. A book on the migration of animals and men.

One of the most original stylistic aspects of this intriguing book by Ruth Padel is precisely the interweaving of prose and poetry. «The alternation between prose and poetry, moving from one place to another, is intrinsic to migration, and in any case I am constantly moving in my mind between humans and animals», said to the "Guardian” the English poet. Then she added: «There are excellent models of prose-with- poetry, my guide is there Vita Nova of Dante who changed European poetry».

To read the poem, go to FIRST Art.
