
Today there is a general strike of public services: the protest goes from administrations to health care

The general strike called for today by the united unions, CGIL and UIL in the lead, sees the absence of Raffaele Bonanni's Cisl: "As long as there is a discussion table open to the ministry, we prefer to negotiate" - State workers cross their arms, doctors, workers of local authorities, universities and research, conservatories and academies.

Today there is a general strike of public services: the protest goes from administrations to health care

Friday 28 September, the Friday of general strike of public services called throughout the country by the united trade unions, CGIL and UIL in the lead, but defected from the Cisl: "As long as there is a discussion table open to the ministry, we will negotiate while others have already proclaimed the protest for two and a half months". Thus the leader of the CISL Raffaele Bonanni explained the reasons for the union's no to the general strike.

For the leaders of the CGIL, the FP and the FLC, however, today's strike "is the natural outcome of a long process of mobilization that the union has put in place in opposition to the choices of the Monti government on public work" moreover, "it is a opportunity to relaunch an idea of ​​reorganization and valorisation of public work in response to the devastating effects of the current crisis”.

Therefore all state workers, doctors, workers of local authorities, universities and research, conservatories and academies cross their arms. The protest ranges from administrations to health care: it may therefore be difficult to collect a certificate or comply with non-urgent visits.

However, the strike does not concern transport (with the exception of employees of Anas and group companies, such as the Stretto di Messina company) and the school (which instead will strike on October 12).
