
OECD: the super-index improves, Italy stable

The OECD economic super index for the month of January records a slight improvement, rising to 100,4 points – Diverging trends among the various economies: US and Japan do well, Eurozone recovers, China, India and Brazil slow down.

OECD: the super-index improves, Italy stable

The calculated economic super-index slightly improves from the OECD in January, which recorded a growth of 0,10 points to 100,4, showing, however, diverging trends among the main economies.

In fact, the United States and Japan are advancing, whose index shows a strengthening in growth. The Eurozone and above all Germany are recovering, while as regards Italy and France, the indication that emerges is that "there are no further deteriorations in growth".

Some of the emerging economies such as China, India and, to a lesser extent, also Brazil, whose super-index recorded growth below the trend, recorded a decline.
