
OECD: labor cost +0,5%, in Italy +0,8%

The general increase is "mainly due to the increase in wages", but in our country compensation per unit worked grew by 0,2%, less than the OECD average and the euro area.

OECD: labor cost +0,5%, in Italy +0,8%

Il labor costs in OECD countries increased by 0,5% on a quarterly basis during the fourth quarter of 2011. But in Italy the increase was higher: +0,8%. This was communicated by the international organization itself, specifying that the general increase is "mainly due to the increase in wages", which in turn grew by 0,5% per unit worked in the same period. Labor productivity, on the other hand, remained unchanged. 

The situation is different for our country, where only a fraction of the increase seems to be linked to wages. According to the OECD, compensation per unit worked in Italy grew by 0,2%, less than the OECD and euro area average. Again in Italy, labor productivity decreased by 0,6.
