
Occupy Wall Street Prepares “Spring Offensive”

Clashes and dozens of arrests in Manhattan on the occasion of the protests organized exactly six months after the beginning of the movement that fights against the distortions of finance - Meanwhile, the "spring offensive" is being prepared - But all eyes are already on Chicago, where the demonstrators will land for the NATO summit on 20 and 21 May.

Occupy Wall Street Prepares “Spring Offensive”

Occupy Wall Street fulfills six months of age and for the occasion clashes and dozens of arrests took place in Manhattan yesterday. The main demonstration of the movement protesting against the shadows of finance took place in Zuccotti Park, renamed Liberty Square by the demonstrators who occupied it for weeks.

Among the demonstrators also Michael Moore: “We have never had a movement like this in this country, which is so interested in the economy – said the director -. Who knows what will happen, but I'm optimistic”.

After the winter break, Occupy Wall Street prepares for the “spring campaign“, which will lead the protesters in Chicago on 20 and 21 May on the occasion of the NATO summit. The message of the protests organized yesterday, the first for several weeks, is precisely this: "We are not finished".

"Every time they do this we get stronger - said a protester, Adam Roth - people become more radical, many New Yorkers become curious and begin to wonder why we do this".

Now the police have returned to guard the Wall Street area and that of Zuccotti Park. Also because on the 'Occupy Wall Street' website a real "spring offensive“, with a long series of protests and demonstrations that will culminate in May in the 'May Day', a day of general strike in which the organizers of the movement hope to involve unions and students.
