
Ilva, Fim Cisl and Uilm occupation against Fiom

In a joint note, the two unions invite Fiom "to carefully reflect on the consequences of this action and on the concrete participation of Genoese workers in this serious initiative".

“The Genoese Fiom-Cgil with an incomprehensible act decided today to occupy the Ilva di Cornigliano site. We invite that trade union organization to carefully meditate on the consequences of this action and on the concrete participation of Genoese workers in this serious initiative". This is what we read in a joint note from the national metalworkers' unions Fim Cisl and Uilm.

"The Fim and Uilm delegates, approximately, informed us that out of about 570 present at work, only 200 workers attended the assembly and 350 remained at work - continues the note - All the remaining employees not present at work (250) are workers on layoffs. A minority of workers, therefore, unilaterally decided to occupy the factory by overruling the majority. A true masterpiece of direct democracy so praised by Fiom. No more than 150 people participated in the procession called by the company despite having forced the company against Fim and Uilm members and not, who did not participate in their initiative. Furthermore, they have taken possession, without authorization, of an Ilva area on which they have placed a tent with the intention of blocking all workers who do not intend to strike, starting tomorrow ".

Fim and Uilm wonder “if the supporters of the clash realize that with this act they not only risk jeopardizing the ongoing negotiations but also offer the side to the company that could opt to have the site available. We are amazed that even the national Fiom-Cgil which, with an initial press release ("The confrontation is unlocked") had acknowledged the positive start of the negotiations, supports this choice to "isolate itself" from the workers (given the accession) and from the institutions , a choice that could prove to be penalizing for the Genoa site. The program agreement is not under discussion but Uilm and Fim (the Genoese Fiom accepts it) are defending a fundamental part of the Italian steel industry. Which we want to continue to do (together with the national Fiom) starting from the negotiations that we will open with Mittal on November 9 when we will discuss the Industrial Plan ".

At that meeting, the note concludes, “issues relating to production structures, investments, personnel and employment protection will be addressed. Instead of claiming alternative tables that do not exist and isolating themselves, Fiom should participate where the fate of steel workers and therefore also of the Genoa site is discussed ".
