
Watch out for the spread: after yesterday's exploit, it rises above 240

The differential between Italian ten-year government bonds and the corresponding German benchmark rose again at the opening of the markets to around 240 basis points (sometimes even more), after yesterday it had reached its lowest value since July 2011.

Watch out for the spread: after yesterday's exploit, it rises above 240

Setback for the Btp-Bund spread: the differential between Italian 240-year government bonds and the corresponding German benchmark actually rose again at market opening to around 230 basis points (sometimes even higher), after the yesterday it had touched 2011 points, i.e. the lowest value since July XNUMX.

The day in general on the markets is not exciting, despite the United States' anti-default agreement being reached overnight in America: all European stock markets were negative at the opening session, with Piazza Affari close to -1% by mid-morning.

