
New goWare and FIRSTonline ebook “Roman extravaganzas”

A guide to Rome to visit without timetable or ticket, available in ebook in the main digital bookstores - The author is Rinaldo Gennari, a collector of curiosities hidden in the thousand corners of the capital - It was also the winner, for the year 2009- 2010, of the competition on travel stories launched by Ferrovie dello Stato

New goWare and FIRSTonline ebook “Roman extravaganzas”

Stravaganze Romane is truly a film; the film of an eccentric and extraordinary, random and deliberately messy journey, scattered with destinations that we would never have thought of visiting if we hadn't stumbled upon this unique and irreplaceable guide.

Sixty places with a sign, an imprint, a testimony of what belongs to Rome hidden even from the Romans themselves. We will never be able to see all of Rome, not even all of monumental Rome... and then we could decide to see a bit of that city "that others don't see" and there will always be something more to tell. Something amazing and new.

As if it were a single trip, the walk offers observation stops as if they were stations of an open-air subway, where you can go without paying an entrance fee. The many anecdotes, the numerous Roman stories and legends, which only rarely have found a place in official guides as a genuine expression of tradition and popular curiosity, are told with panache and seasoned with graceful quotations, which greatly help to immerse oneself in the genius loci.

Convinced lover of urban cultural wanderingRinaldo Gennari accompanies us to discover stories, historical gossip, barely credible anecdotes, reported with the taste of a subtle irony and a touch of embarrassed surprise. 

Have a nice trip to the Rome that exists and we didn't know it. The ebook is available in the main digital bookstores:

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