
New Dpcm, there is the text: all measures in 10 points

The curfew will be able to begin even before 22 pm throughout Italy – Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and Calabria become red zones with partial lockdown – What measures are envisaged for each of the three zones (yellow, orange and red)? How long will the new regime last? Here's everything you need to know.

New Dpcm, there is the text: all measures in 10 points

The Government has published the text of the new Dpcm with the anti-contagion measures, signed overnight by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. Compared to the rumors of the last few days, there is a chromatic novelty: the area where the risk is lower is no longer identified with green - an overly reassuring color - but with yellow, to underline that the alert must remain throughout the country high.

“The overall numbers of infections are constantly increasing and involve a high probability that many Regions will exceed the critical thresholds of intensive care already in the coming weeks – Conte said in a press conference from Palazzo Chigi – If we introduced single measures throughout Italy, we would produce a double negative effect: not adopting truly effective measures where there is greater risk and imposing unreasonably restrictive measures where the situation is less serious”. In any case, "there are no territories that can escape" the restrictive measures, because "the pandemic runs everywhere".

Here is, in summary, everything you need to know.

1) How long will the new Dpcm remain in force?

From Friday 6 November to 3 December, unless extended.

2) Who decides the zones in which to classify each Region?

The Ministry of Health, by decree.

3) Based on what criteria?

There are 21 parameters in all: among these, in addition to the RT index, the number of symptomatic patients, hospitalizations, infected people in nursing homes, the percentage of positive swabs, the average time between symptoms and diagnosis, the number of new outbreaks, the occupied beds in relation to those available.

4) Can Regions change area?

Yes: when the coefficients change, the passage from one zone to another is automatic, with the consequent modification of the measures to be adopted. However, a decree from the Ministry of Health is required. The change can take place both towards the highest and lowest levels: “If a Region were to return to conditions of stability for 14 days with a lower risk – explained Conte – it could be subjected to a regime of less restrictive measures”.

5) Which regions will be in the red zone?

For the moment, the Regions in the area at greatest risk are Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle D'Aosta.

6) And those in the orange zone?

The list includes only two Regions: Puglia and Sicily.

7) How does the curfew work?

It is in force throughout Italy from 22pm to 5am, even if a circular from the Interior Ministry subsequently specified that there is the possibility of closing streets or squares even before 21pm. During these hours, you can only go out for reasons of health, work or need unavoidable. As in spring, self-certification will be needed. If it is an emergency, for privacy reasons, it is not necessary to indicate the name of the person you are going to.

8) What measures are planned in the yellow zone?

In addition to the curfew, the yellow zone also has other limitations (which obviously must also be respected in the orange and red zones, unless even more stringent measures are taken):

  • School: 100% distance learning for high school students; in elementary and middle school the activity will take place in the presence, but with the obligation to wear masks (only children under 6 are exempt).
  • Shopping centers closed on weekends, with the exception of some establishments within them (pharmacies, parapharmacies, supermarkets, newsstands and tobacconists).
  • Buses, metro and regional trains: the capacity limit is reduced to 50%.
  • Bars, restaurants, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops: closing at 18pm confirmed, but there is the possibility of remaining open for Sunday lunch. Home deliveries and take-away sales are also allowed (the latter only until 22pm, with a ban on customers consuming food near establishments or outdoors).
  • Public and private competitions are suspended, except for those that take place electronically and on a curricular basis.
  • Hairdressers, barbers and beauty centres they remain open.
  • Museums and exhibitions they close their doors.
  • Slot machines, betting, video games: closed all the "corners" dedicated to these activities in bars and tobacconists.

9) What are the measures in the orange zone?

  • Interregional travel are prohibited, unless motivated by "proven reasons" of health, work or urgent necessity.
  • The same goes for the travel outside the municipality of residence.
  • Restaurants, bars, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops they remain closed, but can sell take-away products (until 22pm) and make home deliveries. The canteens and catering remain open.
  • Sport: it can only be done outdoors, individually and within your own municipality.

10) And in the red zone?

  • Interregional travel: for at least 15 days, travel into and out of the Regions in the red zone is prohibited, except for reasons of health, work or necessity.
  • It is also forbidden leave the municipality of residence, with the same exceptions provided for travel outside the Region.
  • School: distance learning starting from the seventh grade. Nurseries, kindergartens, elementary and middle school remain open.
  • Shops closed except for pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, food retailers, hairdressers and barbers. The beauty centers are also closed.
  • Restaurants, bars, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops they remain closed. Only home deliveries are allowed and, until 22pm, takeaway sales.
  • Sport: open-air centers are also closed; only individual activity is allowed, as long as you stay close to your home.  

Read also - Conte illustrates the new provision to the Chamber
