Three - year objective to end nuclear power and dismantle old plants . Sogin, the state company responsible for the dismantling of Italian nuclear plants and for the management and safety of radioactive waste, confirms its intention to commit all 900 million euros available for decommissioning.
In the last question time the Chamber was reiterated strategy of the company, which within this year will reach 45% of the decommissioning of the sites. While the project of the waste storage – with some yes from Veneto and some no from Basilicata – with two important reactors at Garigliano and Trino Vercellese which will be decommissioned. These are the most complex jobs from an engineering and operational point of view to be done in a nuclear plant and they need scheduled times.
The Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D'Inca, in Parliament has confirmed the forecasts of the 2020-2025 Business Plan with activities on all sites in the two-year period 2022-2023. Good news concerns the Garigliano site for which the tender for the assignment of the works to abolish the "core" of the reactor was launched. All the metallic components necessary, at the time, to develop the nuclear reaction will also be taken away from the Campania area.
Italians awarded for publications on nuclear power
But the strategic objectives of the Plan will also concern technologically more advanced and sustainable solutions for waste management. Sogin is implementing circular economy processes according to which over 90% of the materials deriving from the dismantling will be destined to be recovered.
This is news that shouldn't be overlooked European debate for an innovative approach on a source that had Italy as one of the countries at the forefront of research. But they also serve to reassure the populations who live close to the old plants. The Italian nuclear glory is in the history books and in the evolution of the world of energy. Time has passed, politics has once again become passionate about the subject, important industries such as Ansaldo are engaged in experimental programmes. But the Italian scientists are confirmed among the most prolific in studies.
An analysis by Elsevier, a leading scientific publisher, has just confirmed that the'Italy is at the forefront for the amount of data collected and processed and for the number of scientific publications. From 2016 to date have been spread more than 2.600 publications from specialized centers and institutes as a sign of a never abandoned academic interest. The value of energy without emissions after entering the EU plans is still very divisive especially for the operation of old reactors and the waste produced. A part of the scientific world is fighting for the rapid experimentation of small plants to be dimensioned in delimited catchment areas. There are even those who point out that the old "cleaned up" sites are the most suitable places to install fusion plants. Another hypothesis to cultivate.