
Ntv: CEO Sciarrone resigns, powers to President Perricone

However, the guidelines for a new business plan were presented during the same Board meeting that accepted Sciarrone's resignation, which should be approved in mid-November.

Ntv: CEO Sciarrone resigns, powers to President Perricone

Change at the top of Ntv, the railway company of the Italo convoy. The engineer Giuseppe Sciarrone has resigned from the position of managing director. The company's Board of Directors announced it yesterday, specifying that the powers have been attributed to the president Antonello Perricone. Sciarrone's decision – who will in any case remain a shareholder and member of the board of directors – stems from the need "for a necessary discontinuity also in the management of the company", according to the group's note. 

However, the guidelines for a new business plan were presented during the same Board meeting that accepted Sciarrone's resignation, which should be approved in mid-November. 

"The critical economic moment and the difficulties induced by a competition that is still not sufficiently protected by the institutions - continues the note - have persuaded the Board to partially revise the original development plans and to redesign the governance organizational model to make it leaner and responsive to the continuous changes in the market”. 
