
Ntv: Flavio Cattaneo (ex Terna) is the new CEO, Perricone remains in the presidency

The former number one of Terna, Flavio Cattaneo is the new CEO of Ntv, the Montezemolo and Della Valle railway company that manages Italo: he will have to straighten the accounts and attempt a relaunch on the basis of the new industrial plan - Perricone was confirmed at the presidency.

Ntv's Board of Directors approved the new strategic plan with the related business plan, and appointed Flavio Cattaneo managing director, granting him all the powers necessary for the management of the company. This was stated in a note from the group, adding that the previous CEO, Antonello Perricone, retains his position as president of Ntv.

Cattaneo, 52 years old, it was in the 2003 General Manager of Rai, and from 1 November 2005 to 27 May 2014 he held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Terna spa. He is on the board of directors of Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori das of December 2014.
